Coupon Questionnaire

Welcome to Payment Coupon/ No Coupon Questionnaire,

We have also been informed there will be a fee ($2.95) for ACH/automatic payments.

Due to this fee, many of you may want to use bill pay through your own financial institution, for most of them offer transactions at no fee.  A new change is that it will allow you to use credit cards for scheduled payments, however for credit card charges, there is going to be a 3.5% convenience fee.

Since the approved budget will be coming out around the same time, we don’t want to send everyone coupons if you currently have bill pay through your own financial institution or if you will schedule your payments on new the portal. (some of you pay months in advance as well).

To prepare a list of homeowners who do NOT want coupons (for 2021 maintenance fees) sent to them, please take the time to let us know!

Coupon Questionnaire